Do you look after someone who is ill, frail, disabled or mentally ill and you or the ‘cared for’ patient is registered at Horsman’s Place Surgery? If so, Horsman’s Place Surgery would like to hear from you.
We are interested in identifying Carers, specially those people who may be caring without help or support. We know that Carers are often “hidden”, looking after a family member or helping a friend or neighbour with day-to-day tasks many do not see themselves as a Carer.
If you have identified yourself as a Carer, then this is an opportunity to let the Practice know so that we can update our records and pass on your details to the local Carers First charity who can provide relevant information and advice, local support services, newsletters.
Please contact Sheila at Horsman’s Place Surgery on 01322 299 790 or for further information or download the Carers Registration Form (DOC, 60KB) and return to the Surgery.